What is Overwhelm?

Author: Liz Stratton

Hypnotherapist, Past Life/ Inter Life Therapist – CHP (NC), DPLT, RGN, BA Ed (Hons), MA, NLP (MP)

What is Overwhelm? “I can’t think straight.” Overwhelm is a feeling that everything is on top of you, it has all become too much. Sometimes it can be experienced as an inability to focus or concentrate, other times it can manifest as physical fatigue or even aches and pains. It can be accompanied by feelings of anxiety or panic, or a feeling that you just can’t go on.

It can happen if we take on too much in our work or personal life, if our responsibilities are weighing us down, or at times of great pressure and stress. Often if we have weak or insecure boundaries, overwhelm can happen more frequently, as the tendency to try to do everything and take it all on can lead to repeated states of overwhelm. Our emotions may be volatile and we may become irritable or snappy with people around us. Also sleep and or eating may be affected.

What can I do about it?

Here are some self-help strategies to assist with overwhelm:

  • Remind yourself that this is a feeling, and it will pass
  • Write down all the things on your mind and rank them in order of importance
  • Talk to someone, such as a friend or family member
  • Do a gentle mediation such as the one included in this post or use an app
  • Breathe. Sit and take 5 deep slow breaths, try to focus all your attention on your breathing
  • Go for a walk or do some exercise
  • Eat regular meals, keep hydrated

If you have read the above and you feel like you would benefit from professional help, then please get in touch.

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