Rebecca Messenger

Massage Therapist

Rebecca is the owner of Advance Body Therapies, providing advanced soft tissue therapy and Kinesio-taping (K-taping) to both athletes and members of the public in Swansea and surrounding areas.

Rebecca is currently studying Osteopathy at Swansea University, allowing her to gain a deep understanding of human anatomy and biomechanics, which she draws upon in every consultation and treatment. This allows patients to get an individualised treatment plan, unique to their needs. Rebecca has also undergone training in K-taping, which can help aid recovery from an injury, increase proprioception, decrease inflammation, and provide extra support during sporting events.

Soft tissue therapy can help treat:

  • Sporting or work injuries
  • Repetitive strain
  • Pregnancy and postpartum support
  • General aches and pains
  • Prehab and rehab
  • Cervicogenic headaches
  • General maintenance
  • Plus much more

Prices are as follows:

Initial consultation: 45 – 50 minutes – £40

Follow up treatment:

  • 40 minutes – £40
  • 30 minutes – £30

K – taping only – £6

Please note that 30 minute appointments are only provided for those with a small area of concern. You will be advised which appointment time will be more suitable for your treatment needs.


If you would like to find out more or book an appointment with Rebecca, please contact her via email or telephone.

Email: [email protected]

Call: 07965241731

Instagram: advance.body.therapies

Facebook: Advance Body Therapies